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           LIVE MASTERclass

free live masterclass

with amy porterfield

Registration ends in: 

Do you see the potential in creating a digital course, but you’re afraid of the tech, the hidden costs, have no idea where to start and want someone to guide you through it the low-stress way?

If you answered *heck yes!*, this LIVE one-hour masterclass is for YOU.

Amy Porterfield, my course mentor-turned-business BFF, is who first taught me how to turn my knowledge into a course I can sell over and over again. She only teaches this class ONCE per year! So, NOW is your chance to learn from my mentor for FREE! 

How To Realistically Have A 5, 6, or 7 Figure Launch (In 5 Easy-To-Replicate Steps, No Team or Big Budget Required!)

5 No-Fuss Steps to Creating

free live masterclass

with Amy Porterfield

“I know a digital course is a genius move, but the idea of creating it sounds overwhelming?”

A new project can feel like a war of two minds: 

On one hand, you crave a new way to grow your business and free up your time with a course doing the biz-growth work for you… 

But you’re not sure where to start with building an entire digital course. 

Maybe you’re afraid of having to learn complicated tech.

Or don’t feel like you have the marketing skills to sell it?

Welcome to your clear course roadmap to show you what’s actually necessary to create, market, AND sell an online course!

In a totally free, LIVE, one-hour interactive masterclass experience!

plus a LIVE Q&A with Amy afterward!




and more!

Come and engage with Amy and fellow course-curious people like yourself on this LIVE, virtual stage! 

Amy’s packing this masterclass with her proven and actionable course of action for YOU. No fluff (ever). 

Ignite your learning senses and harness Amy Porterfield’s brilliance – all from the comfort of home. For FREE!

And note to the wise, there will NOT be a replay of these live classes so make sure you SHOW UP!

This isn’t your average webinar. 

Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass

Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE • Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE • Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE •

Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE • Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE • Amy Porterfield’s LIVE masterclass EXPERIENCE •

Amy Porterfield's LIVE masterclass is where you’ll scoot up to the table and soak up a tested and proven course-launching plan from my very own mentor-turned-business-BFF, with her $100m+ course sales track record and effortless ability to teach her genius strategy to anyone at any stage of their business journey. 

You’re just one LIVE class away from learning how YOU (yes, you, not someone more experienced than you, not an ‘online course pro’ – YOU) can launch a course in just 5 streamlined steps!

(she only does this once a year and there won’t be a replay!)

once a year 

once a year 

once a year 

Meet Your Host, Amy Porterfield

She’s your personal wizardly guide through creating a digital course that will rock your world, undoubtedly change lives, and set revenue records, because that’s what she’s been doing for people like you and me for a decade and a half

Her proven system changes lives every single day thanks to all of the courses she’s helped go from idea to reality. 

Amy has been building online courses since the day she became an entrepreneur.

successful digital courses


students and growing


million dollars in revenue


years of experience


of lives impacted


01 |

“Do I have the right kind of expertise for a digital course?”

Does it feel weird or uncomfortable when you imagine yourself selling your own course or promoting yourself as an “expert”? Well, it sure did when I was launching my first course. Turns out, you’re WAY more ready than you think! Amy has helped over 90K students, course-curious people like you, overcome this exact, very normal doubt. During the masterclass, Amy will cover a concept called the 10% edge that will help you own your brilliance, the experience you already have, and find the confidence to share your smarts with the world.

I'm ready. SAVE ME A SEAT →

Let me read your mind for a sec!


Do any of these resonate with you?

02 |

“Am I cut out to market an online course to people?”

Yes, because the qualifier is simple.  Creating your own courses simply means you can deliver the wisdom and experience you already lean on daily into the hands of more humans than you ever could 1-to-1! People are yearning to glean it from you! And if not from you, then who? You may just impact the lives of people from all over the world and have a blast while doin’ it. 

I'm in. SAVE ME A SEAT →

03 |

“Can a course help me feel like I truly OWN my life again?”

This is where I want to hug you. YES! Even just ONE course can help you do this. Being able to serve people and make money while not having to be AT your desk working on your business (because it’s working FOR you) means you’re free to open up your time, live life on your terms, and chase goals beyond ‘work’! 

yes please. SAVE ME A SEAT →

04 |

“I really want to bring in another stream of income.”

YES, big time! You can set up a course to sell while you sleep, which means more nets of stability, more pathways for you to grow your life, go on adventures, and ways to feel safe from all the unknowns of the world. And you don’t have to shoot for the stars here! Creating a course can help you bring in even just an extra $1000 a month! 

I need that. SAVE ME A SEAT →

05 |

“Do I have the time to create, manage, and sell a course?”

While the idea of a ‘digital course’ might feel like a big undertaking, it doesn’t have to be. What you need is a clear plan for what’s actually necessary to craft, market, and sell your course and Amy will show you exactly how to do that. One of the best things about a course is that it gives you back SO much time. Plus, Amy’s free class is ONLY one hour (less than 0.6%) of your week!

I want this. SAVE ME A SEAT →


How to discover exactly what to include in your course (and what to SKIP!)

Did you know there are 4 types of profitable courses you can create? Get ready to pick the one that’s right for you, so you don’t waste time or energy on content overload. (P.S. Even if your audience is small or you don’t have an email list, there's a course type just for you!)


How to choose your PERFECT course topic.

Are you overflowing with course ideas but can't pick just one? Got one idea, but unsure if it’ll actually sell? Maybe you are starting at ground zero and feeling stuck! Amy will walk you through her “sweet spot” formula to help you nail the perfect course topic—one that's easy to teach and irresistible to your audience!

What This Masterclass Will Teach You:

the full scoop


How to deliver your course even if you're already BUSY.

Short on time, money, and tech know-how? Check this out: Amy’s giving you her two most popular course delivery strategies that are working right now! You'll pick the one that fits best for you so you can start selling with confidence!


How to PRE-SELL your course successfully.

The best course creators sell BEFORE they create. Validate your idea and get paid upfront, before you put time, money, and effort into creating it! Want to know how? Amy's delivering her exact pre-sell strategy that works.


How to turn ONE course into 6 figures in a Year!

Want more freedom in your life, time, and finances? Amy's teaching you her easy-to-implement ‘Rinse & Repeat’ method that thousands have used to succeed. Join her free class to see how this simple strategy can work for you!


5 No-Fuss Steps to Creating A Profitable Digital Course From Scratch



with Amy Porterfield

If you’re starting to see how creating an online course really IS something you’re ready for, and you’re excited about the creative process (without the guesswork) so you can finally have a stream of income that invests into the life you really want…

Amy teaches her masterclass just ONCE a year.

Grab a seat in Amy’s course creation masterclass experience on her virtual stage!
And there are no replays.

This FREE live masterclass is your ticket to make it happen.

This FREE live masterclass is your ticket to make it happen.

This FREE live masterclass is your ticket to make it happen.

Amy & Jenna

Your course Captains!

That’s why I’m *emphatically* inviting you to join Amy LIVE to learn from my digital course creation mentor-turned-business-BFF. 

If you’ve been around for a minute, you’ll know I’m suuuper not shy about sharing the fact that I used to listen to Amy Porterfield’s podcast... in the shower. She’s been a backbone of inspiration for years upon years! 

Who knows whose life You will change?

Amy is absolutely
incredible at what she
does; I don’t throw that
kind of respect around
lightly. She’s shown that she really has a deep instinct about online course strategy (her manifold success reveals that) and I’d bet my bottom dollar there’s no one better suited to lead you! True story, on Amy’s first launch, she made $267 dollars. I made $35,000. The reason I had such a successful first launch is because I learned from someone who didn’t. And if you think about it, I wouldn’t be where I am today if she hadn’t shared her knowledge in the first place, right? 

After tuning in faithfully week by week, I decided to finally invest (in myself via her coursework) and shifted from ‘inspired listener’ to, well, a course creator. An… educator!

Whoa. But I was determined to become a success story. Amy was my online BFF (who at the time didn’t even know I existed) and my business coach. 

And once upon a time, we got to know each other IRL! That friendship spark was more instant than ramen noodles, and we built an awesome connection over the years! But through it all, I continued to watch, learn and study Amy and her work. 

Amy is absolutely incredible at what she does; I don’t throw that kind of respect around lightly. She’s shown that she really has a deep instinct about online course strategy (her manifold success reveals that) and I’d bet my bottom dollar there’s no one better suited to lead you! True story, on Amy’s first launch, she made $267 dollars. I made $35,000. The reason I had such a successful first launch is because I learned from someone who didn’t. And if you think about it, I wouldn’t be where I am today if she hadn’t shared her knowledge in the first place, right? 

What people are saying

Wait...but really, how do I know if this Masterclass is right for me?

A: Honestly, it’s really hard to find someone that this Masterclass ISN’T right for. Maybe people without a wifi connection? I am a firm believer (because I’ve seen the proof!) that anyone and EVERYONE can be a course creator and digital educator if they want to be. Want. That’s the qualifier.

A digital course can change the trajectory of your life if you let it! You just need to take the simple steps of signing up, showing up, and putting in that initial effort of time and creativity. That’s it! So, if you’re craving this kind of change in your life and want to challenge yourself to see it through, Amy's live Masterclass Experience is right for you! 

Frequently asked questions

Is this Masterclass actually live and FREE?

A: Yes! No tricks up the sleeve here. It’s entirely free!

You’re going to get a TON of valuable information during this class, it’s not just a sales pitch. Amy’s goal is to truly get you started, not tease you with half baked info and business jargon.

If you stick around to the end of the class, you’re going to hear about Amy’s FULL course creation program, Digital Course Academy, which is like the hand-holding deep dive on this free class, which *does* have a price tag, of course! But even if you don’t enroll in her full course, which is entirely up to you, you’re still going to walk away with strategies you can implement straight away!

Will I be able to engage and ask questions during the live class?

A: Yes and it’s one of my favorite parts! This isn’t some boring, cookie-cutter webinar. This is an interactive, engaging experience on a virtual stage that truly awakens those senses, putting you in optimal learning mode! Amy will be doing a live Q&A at the end of the class where she can address the questions that pop up during it, so be sure to jump into the chat and share your thoughts and ideas!

What if I can’t show up to the live trainings? Will I be able to watch later?

A: There are no replays for Amy’s Masterclass Experience, which means YOU need to show up LIVE. Pick a time that works best for you, put it in your calendar, and keep that time sacred. Amy’s process is proven, which means you’re basically walking away from this class with the best cheatsheet ever (and then some)! Show up so Amy can hand over her tools without you spending a dime.

I actually already have a course! Will this class be beneficial to me?

A: Well that is entirely up to you! If you already feel like you’re in the midst of success with your course, and you love your creation and launch methods, then this class might not be for you! But if you’re still curious about how the pros do it, want to see if you can glean even 10% more knowledge to boost how to show up, or you want to hit the reset button on your first course (I know I did!), then I think you’ll really love this class and time with Amy. :) 

When you sign up for Amy’s digital course masterclass…


Cycles of feeling burned out

Feeling creatively blocked

Feeling stuck and craving a new vision

Worrying about your finances

A schedule that leaves no room for play or rest

Uncapped earnings and bank account stability

New opportunities and open doors

Time to dream up new goals

Flexibility in your schedule

Impacting people around the world




5 No-Fuss Steps to Creating A Profitable Digital Course From Scratch

Save your seat

How To Realistically Have A 5, 6, or 7 Figure Launch (In 5 Easy-To-Replicate Steps, No Team or Big Budget Required!)